BioActinide Chemistry Group
Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory
MS 70A-1150
One Cyclotron Road
Berkeley, CA 94720
Administrative Support:
Deborah Smith
MS 50B-4230
Phone: (510) 486-5535
Interested in joining us? Email Rebecca Abergel at for more information. We are currently not accepting new undergraduate students for the Spring 2024 semester.
Social Media

We’re on Twitter! @bioactinide
University of California, Berkeley (link)
Department of Nuclear Engineering (link)
Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory (link)
Chemical Sciences Division (link)
Partner Centers and Programs
Glenn T. Seaborg Center (link)
Alliance for Radiological Exposures and Mitigation Science (link)
UC Berkeley Center for Next Generation Food Systems (link)
Institute for Resilience Communities (link)
Current & Former Collaborators
Caroline Ajo-Franklin, Rice University (link)
Polly Chang, SRI International (link)
Raymond Guilmette, Lovelace Respiratory Research Institute (link)
Gregory Horne, Idaho National Laboratory (link)
Stosh Kozimor, Los Alamos National Laboratory (link)
Anne Mason, University of Vermont
Andrew Minor, UC Berkeley (link)
Corie Ralston, Berkeley Lab, Molecular Foundry (link)
Kenneth Raymond, UC Berkeley (link)
Jenifer Shafer, Colorado School of Mines (link)
Thomas Just Sørensen, University of Copenhagen (link)
Roland Strong, Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center (link)
Chris Vulpe, University of Florida (link)